They Work Together- All Three

Which way is South East? 

That question finds people pointing multiple directions! Seriously, it’s worth looking at to get this one right.

Fisherman cancel trips based on shitty winds and tide combinations. Moderate wind strength against opposing tide force creates messy seas, enough to ruin a day.

Experienced guys adjust plans, and go somewhere more suited. On those days others cop a flogging and say it was shithouse  offshore and not worth going, but too late, they went; often still unaware why it was uncomfortable.


How important are bearings? Lost in a city? Google maps help….Just follow the arrow.
Having your personal bearings calibrated (no phone or compass in hand) is critical for overlaying wind directions to coastal contours.

They go together. Add tide flow into this and there’s a three way fight.

Coastal Contours
Wind Direction
Tide Flow

They work individually. Sometimes in harmony, but often unfavourably.

Visualising how all three are working at Spot X without being there can save wasted time. Otherwise it becomes a gift to unwrap on arrival. The gift might be terrible.

We see outcomes often. Guys head out while it’s known conditions will be crap. They return, the day is written off and accepted as “Just because the weather was off!”
Meanwhile others recognised suitable three way combinations, made better decisions and had a successful day….somewhere else.


1. “Just because the weather was off!”
2. Aware of bearings, winds, tides and how things work together.

One of these two styles of fisherman have higher catch rates. They’re more aware, more awake and rule out poor options before starting.

Visualistion is a tool not everyone has. When shown how to do it, things become clearer. What makes it even stronger is to know the when and why of weather.
It’s building block stuff.

The stronger the base the more cool stuff can be done at the top.

Weather Lessons Here

Johnny Mitchell